Just want to share something….
Yesterday, after having our Sunday service in Evangel Family Church, I was so blessed when Pastor Marion Lim, our Senior Singaporean Pastor visited Cebu Evangel (our church). Pastor Marion Lim as God’s anointed servant had full-heartedly shared to us about the rewards of obedience. How I wish I have invited more people to hear such sermon. It was indeed a joy to us Christians hearing upon God’s word being refreshed and purify again from this sinful world. She shared to us the verse in Proverbs 3:1, it says “My son, do not forget my teaching, but keep my commands in your heart,”. It reminds us that we must not forget His Law. And to move on to verse 2, it says “for they will prolong your life many ears and bring you prosperity”. See how awesome our big God is? The reward of keeping His commandments is prosperity. Now, do you want to live life victoriously? Simply follow His Law!
God’s word is living and life-changing. In Psalms 119:72, David says “The law from your mouth is more precious to me than thousands of pieces of silver and gold.” There is no more precious thing as God’s word. Nothing! Man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.
We Christians are often neglected of guarding our hearts especially when we are already in our comfort zones. Sometimes we forgot God in times of prosperity. We only call upon the Lord if we are in trouble. But God is God! He is always accessible, always available anytime in anywhere in bad times and in good times. He is not only a God of Help for emergency and our last resort to lean on. Most of us are guilty to these attitudes but our God is God of mercy, willing to forgive us and if we will just allow Him to truly come and live in our hearts, then no doubt we will live in perfect peace and happiness with Him even in the middle of the storms in life.
The key to blessings is obedience but often blessings can be caused to obedience. If you really pay attention to this statement you could probably say it’s absolutely right. In fact, I remembered Pastor Marion repeated those lines to emphasize that this is what happens to most of us. Now, let’s take a move and be awaken of wrong doings and negative perception of blessings. We are blessed yet we are curse because of our disobedience. Some people tend to harden their hearts, enlarge their prides and become feeble-minded after receiving so countless blessings that they have desired. My fellow Christians, let us be watchful enough and learn to humble ourselves that we cannot do anything without God. God created everything in this world. And that everything belongs to Him. We are only stewards of His creations. Let us stay focus to our do things which are glorifying to God. Let us honor God with our resources, money, time and energy. In the end, all our hard works for Him is not in vain because our God is not dead. We serve a true and living God – Almighty Father creator of heaven and earth!
Thanks for reading and God bless you!